Desert Harvest

Outreach Across East Africa

The first evangelical missionaries arrived in East Africa in 1842.  Since that time, the Word of God has spread rapidly across East and Central Africa through indigenous church leaders and foreign missionaries;  however,  the east coast of Africa, northern parts of Kenya, and the Sahel region continue to remain the least reached areas in this region.  Pastors and church works cite the difficult environment, strong hold of traditional religion, and lack of stability as the reason for slow church growth.

After living in Zanzibar one year, Eddie & Rachel Andersen came to Northern Kenya in 2008 to work among the Gabbra people.  In 2016, they received a generous donation to build a radio tower in Dukana, Kenya and from that time they have seen God  moving among the Gabbra and surrounding tribes.  Their work began in Kenya and has spread to Tanzania, where they have begun partnerships with local churches to build radio outreach.  

As Christians, our purpose is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord with all people. Eddie & Rachel chose to go to East Africa with the desire to cross language and cultural barriers to bring that message to people. Their work frequently involves using practical means to share God's love to gain the right to speak into the culture. God has called several workers to share with the people in this area.

Eddie grew up as a missionary kid in Northern Kenya among the Samburu people. In university he studies engineering for  2 years and then finished up his studies with a degree in Bible and cross cultural studies. He has extensive experience welding, building, and in maintenance. The Lord has used him to drill wells, build churches, and place radio towers in difficult areas with little logistical support.

Born in West Michigan, Rachel came to Africa in 1998 on a short term visit to Nigeria. Her visit to Kano, Nigeria spurred in her a desire to reach those with the least access to the Gospel. She studied Bible and cross cultural studies as well as midwifery in college. She caught her first baby in 2014 and provides volunteer midwifery services and childbirth education in East Africa. 

Many people live in darkness due to a lack of exposure to the Word of God. They may lack reading skills, access to a church, or live far from the reach of modern communication. Radio ministry opens broad doors to these groups of people by providing free teaching over large geographical areas. For believers, access to Biblical teaching helps them grow in their faith while they go about their daily business, whether herding animals or making a pot of chai. 

Relief and Community Development Work

Since arriving in Kalacha in 2008, Eddie & Rachel have worked to share the Gospel through many practical means. Due to seasons of severe drought, they have worked to help the communities of Northern Kenya with famine relief and clean water. Working side by side in the garage has given Eddie time to disciple many church leaders while turning wrenches or building church buildings. Rachel has worked with many families to develop small raised gardens to supplement food resources with vegetables. 

Work among the Gabbra of Northern Kenya: 2008-2025

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