Barako Boru Wato


I am Barako Boru Wato, born and raise in the small town of Kalacha, a mere speck beside the vast Chalbi Desert found with in the district of Marsabit Kenya. Belonging to the pastoralist tribe known as the Gabra, I was lucky to come to know my Savior, Christ Jesus. This privilege was brought to me through my aunt, Bone Qone, many thanks to her. At the time she had been working with Ruth Andersen in church ministry. Ruth and her husband Dilly where the first people to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to Kalacha. Know I can say, I am a strong believer in Jesus Christ and take Him as my personal Savior.

My education began in Kalacha Primary School. Then to Churo High school in Marigat, Baringo county. After all this i went to Limuru central Kenya, to attend the prestigious St. Paul University.

 Now I am working with Biblia Husema Bradcasting Chalbi FM. BHBChalbiFM is a Christian radio station covering a great deal of Marsabit county, from South Horr to Sarimo and from Moyale past Mt. Kulal. The purpose of the radio is to act as an extension for the main station based in Nairobi. I appreciate the effort of Eddie Andersen in bringing the radio station thus far.

I am Blessed to be working as a disciple of Jesus Christ, within the radio station to bring the Good News to the unreached Nomads of Northern Kenya